Tag: Savoir locaux


The Watigueleya Kêlè village tour (October 2023)

To encourage the sharing of experiences initiated in the various workshops of the Watigueleya Kêlè project (Climate Resilience in West Africa), the Donkosira association organised a village tour from 3-5 October 2023 in the villages of Banzana and Monzona (Mali). It brought together village delegates from Damaro, Mandou and Bossoko (Guinea), Bougarila, Bouillagui, Monzona and Banzana (Mali) and Missirah Tabadiang,

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Stakes of the roast tree harvest in Bougarila (Mali), August 2022

The work of cutting down roast trees is due to the difficulties faced by the people of the village. Once a roast tree is cut down, it doesn’t grow back, even though the fruits of these trees help to fight hunger in the country. If you cut it down when you are in trouble, you will have to go and

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Women’s secondary activities (Monzona, Mali), May 2022

Here are some examples of side activities that women in Monzona (Mali) do to compensate for poor harvests: – Making mats – Making bricks for resale – Making sponges – Making brooms – Gathering baobab fruit – Cutting firewood – Making chairs and beds from certain tree branches


The final conference of the Watigueleya Kèlê project in Conakry, 13-14 February 2023

On 13 and 14 February, the final conference of the Watigueleya Kêlè (Climate Resilience in West Africa) project on the theme “Poetics of the environment and resilience of research” started in Conakry, at the CIRD facilities. The conference aimed to bring together villagers involved in the project and researchers, in order to bridge the gap between the academic sphere and

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Canaris making in Bandafassi (Senegal), May 2022

In this video, we see a Bedik woman making canaris. She explains that she takes the land up the mountain, that it is not just any land: it is land that was bought by their grandparents at the cost of their lives. Now, every time she digs the land to make canaris, they have to pay a goat, a chicken

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Transhumance and sheep prices in Bouillagui (Mali), May 2022  

Here we are tackling the problem of rising prices for Tabaski sheep this year in Bouillagui due to the high cost of feed for the cattle and the lack of grass in the bush, which has been ravaged by bush fires.   Mauritanian livestock farmers have moved with their cattle to sell them at very high prices: indeed the high

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Improved stoves in Bouillagui (Senegal), April 2021

The woman in the video started using the improved stove about 20 years ago. Her mother used improved stoves for cooking. It helps them to save wood because there is not enough in the forest.With the improved fireplace, two pieces of wood are enough to cook several dishes.   Since the introduction of the improved fireplace, there have been changes.

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“The seasonal wellsx”, Damaro (Guinea) – April 2021

“Most of the wells are seasonal due to climate change, which causes the dry season to be prolonged. The women, girls and boys, very early in the morning, in single file, go in order of arrival, with the help of a well, to fill their canister before the sun is blazing and empties the well.” Mariam Camara